Dark Sky Education at Spicewood Elementary School, Round Rock ISD

Dark Sky Education at Spicewood Elementary School, Round Rock ISD

March 1, 2019 Uncategorized 0

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Last week I had the opportunity to speak to the 5th grade at Spicewood Elementary in Round Rock ISD as part of their “Action Speaks” series as well as the kindergarten as part of their curriculum about Earth and space. Spicewood is a project based learning school and also a pre-IB school, and it showed with all the wonderful projects displayed in their fabulous library.

The 5th graders have been learning about different issues in their community from different speakers and, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, will determine projects to work on based on they had learned. After introducing them to the topic of light pollution and its harmful effects on humans and the environment, I read my children’s book “Cassandra and the Night Sky”. The 5th grade was very interested in hearing about light pollution and what they could do to decrease light pollution in their community as well as what inspired me to write the story.

I was very impressed with how many kids have looked through a telescope, seen the Milky Way galaxy as well as their knowledge of the night sky. These kids, no doubt, will be making positive changes in their communities now and in the future.