Category: This Week in the Sky

This week in the Sky: Orion, the Hunter

  In This Week in the Sky, Orion, the Hunter: Imagine yourself living many, many years ago in a time when there was no electricity. When night fell, you did not have lights to light up your home like we do today.  Imagine yourself cooking on an open fire outside, and when the fire went…
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March 16, 2018 0

This week in the Sky: The Pleiades Cluster

The Pleiades Cluster is seen from fall to spring. Most people see 6 to 7 bright stars in a tight bunch. Some think they look like a little dipper, and so it gets mistaken for Ursa Minor-our little dipper-often. The Pleiades are a group of over 2,000 stars, all born from the same cloud of…
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March 14, 2017 0