Become a Patron


Support Starry Sky Austin today by becoming a Patreon patron for our work.

Through astronomy education, dark sky education and dark sky conservation partnerships, stargazing programs and children’s literature, Starry Sky Austin connects people of all ages with the cosmos. We provide Austin and the surrounding areas with a unique opportunity to connect with the night sky in an intimate way and are involved in dark sky conservation in Austin, TX and surrounding areas.

Become a patron of Starry Sky Austin and help support this effort to engage others with the night sky.

Starry Sky Austin provides a unique experience for all ages to connect with the cosmos in meaningful ways:
-Learn hands-on observational astronomy through our astronomy classes and girl scout programs
-Experience the night sky through a telescope, learn the constellations and hear star stories in our group stargazing programs
-Learn about the need for dark sky conservation
-Hear Amy read her children’s book “Cassandra and the Night Sky”, a reinvented star story, at an author visit

I created Starry Sky Austin in order to find a life balance between work and family. After having my second child and noticing a lack of work environments that would support a need for family-work life balance, I created Starry Sky Austin. Starry Sky Austin needs patrons like you to sustain its goal of connecting people to the cosmos. Over the past 10 years, Starry Sky Austin has substantially increased program offerings such as adult astronomy classes, young astronomers classes, group stargazing events, dark sky education and conservation efforts, and more.

Currently, Starry Sky Austin is run by collecting registration fees from participants. Much of the work we do is volunteer based. The costs of telescope equipment maintenance and other costs of offering programs are paid by registration fees. Sustainable funding from your support means that Starry Sky Austin will have funding for telescope equipment repair, attending public events for outreach, and sustaining running the business side of things, and can focus on expanding programming by hiring other educators to spread our programs to more people. Your support gives us the ability to grow.

I’ll reinvest the money I get from you back into creating more Starry Sky Austin news posts, offering more hands-on astronomy classes and girl scout badge programs, working on dark sky conservation for parks and preserves in and around Austin, TX, publishing my next children’s book and visiting schools, creating a planetarium show out of my children’s book stories and more.

If you’d like to support me and Starry Sky Austin, and be a part of my process, please join my Patreon program today.

I deeply appreciate your support, and am excited to be working and sharing with you.With your help, we can continue our current efforts and increase our ability to spread our current projects and new projects nationally and internationally.